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Gỏi Mực - Vietnamese Squid Salad

This recipe is the simplest. One of the Vietnamese squid salad dishes
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Course Appetizer, Salad
Cuisine vietnamese
Servings 3
Calories 657 kcal


  • 1/2 lb of squid (tentancles or rings)1 knob ginger (unpeel, smash)
  • 2 cups of pickled the daikon & carrot (do chua)
  • 2 cups cucumber thinly sliced (remove seeds)
  • 1 cup of mint leaves, or Vietnamese coriander or mint (rau răm) leaves1/4 cup white/yellow onions sliced (soak in cold water 10 mins and remove)
  • Sesame crackers or shrimp (optional and microwave until they become puffy)
  • 2 tablespoons of garlic that has been fried
  • One-quarter cup lime juice1/4 cup fish sauce
  • 1/3 cup white sugar in granulated form1 tablespoon minced garlic 1 tablespoon minced
  • 2 Red Thai chilies optional


  • If you are using squid in its entirety be sure to wash it thoroughly. Peel the dark, purplish skin as long as you can. This is especially in the area around your body. Take off the tail and head with a an inclination of. The head, innards , and the long, transparent quill will be able to easily slide out of the body. Set your knife close to the eyes, and cut to split the tentacles into one piece. Cut off the unpalatable cartilage bony part (beak) in the middle of tentacles. Tentacles can be eaten and are delicious. Include them in your salad! Remove the eye end. Slice body into rings. Rinse the squid with cold water several times, then drain it until the it is no longer bubbly. (Bubbly? What? Do you know what I am talking about when cleaning freshly squid). Put squid in a small pot. Add ginger. There's no need to add water because squid releases lots of water naturally. Cover the pot and cook for about a minute. Be sure not to overcook in order to keep the squid soft. Remove and place aside.
  • In a large bowl mix the pickled cucumber/daikon/carrot/mint and onions. Mix in cooked squid.
  • In a bowl mix the dressing ingredients. Mix half of the dressing into the squid, and gently toss. Let the squid rest for 10 minutes. Squid is tossed into salad. Serve the salad with garlic fried and serve with shrimp or sesame crackers as well as the remaining dressing served alongside.
Keyword goi muc recipe, vietnamese squid salad